Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sarah Palin just cannot catch a break in New Hampshire political polls.

"Missed it by that much!"

Today, PPP is out with a new poll of the state's GOP voters on the '12 presidential race:

Mitt Romney 31 percent
Newt Gingrich 14 percent
Ron Paul 13 percent
Mike Huckabee 12 percent
Sarah Palin 9 percent
Tim Pawlenty 3 percent
Mitch Daniels 1 percent
Someone else/undecided 16 percent

Journalist Steve Koracki goes on to add this:

Remember, as I noted yesterday, no one in the modern era has gone on to claim a major party nomination after finishing worse than second in the New Hampshire primary.

Yep I think reality is going to prove to be a huge slap in the face for the Palin-bots.  It is easy to let your imagination run wild while ensconced in the warm embrace of Fox news, Facebook, and Twitter, but once Palin has to actually stand up in front of a group of people NOT suffering from some sort of mental deficiency...well simply put.... she's fucked.


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    The fact that Sarah is not running away at the top of the list is the reason why she has to keep her name in the media every day, in every way, no matter how stupid. She can refudiate this all she wants, but what she wants is attention and name recognition. She is lucky that the people who like her don't require their candidates to be smarter than they are.

  2. It is because she will never learn.

    "To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man."

    William Shakespeare

  3. Anonymous4:01 PM

    No no no no,

    Sarah has to be competitive in the 2012 field.

    We need to see her implode in the GOP debates.

    No DEM will need to dig up dirt once Mitt, Rudy, Huck, etc...get a sniff of babygate.

    Welcome to Quitterville Sarah, population YOU!

  4. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Palin has only ever been about the $$$.

    She doesn't want to be POTUS. There's no cash in that when the rubes will throw it at your feet.

  5. Anonymous4:16 PM

    And speaking of NH - where was u-no-'oooo yesterday?

    Bear gets into home, eats and grabs stuffed bear

    Wed Jul 28, 3:13 pm ET

    LACONIA, N.H. – A black bear walked into a New Hampshire house through an open door, ate two pears and a bunch of grapes, took a drink from the family fishbowl and grabbed a stuffed bear on its way out the door. Mary Beth Parkinson said the bear apparently took advantage of the open outside door to get into her kitchen Tuesday in Laconia, about 20 miles north of Concord. She thinks the garage door going up scared the bear enough that it fled the house.

    She said she arrived in time to save the fish.

    Parkinson said her 6- and 9-year-old boys made sure the doors were locked before they went to bed.

  6. Anonymous4:43 PM

    So the election is tomorrow?

    This time 4 years ago, Obama was running behind Karl Marx.

  7. Anonymous5:06 PM

    New Hampshire is a weird hybrid of a state... there are a few people who'd fit right in with residents of Wasilla, and a large population of people who fled the higher RE prices in neighboring MA. She may fit in with the first group, but the second group would never buy her.

    I know the man who chaired the NH committee to elect Bush in 2000. We disagree politically, but I couldn't name a nicer guy. I can't see him, or someone like him, supporting the Wasilla Thrilla.

  8. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Hey, 4:43 p.m. This time 4 years ago, President Obama had not been the first female VP candidate of the GOP. Palin has fallen in stature since 2008. Wake up and smell the tea party.

  9. I'm not convinced that Scarah will even run in 2012. Sometimes I think she just wants to influence things without the responsibility of having to really answer to anyone. And of course, as POTUS she'd make so much less money and have to actually work! haha In any case, 2012 is a ways off - anything could happen between now and then...

  10. majii7:03 PM


    Marx died in 1883, so how could candidate Obama have been running behind a dead man? You're using the language of Beckistan. A little history lesson: Liberalism developed in early 20th Century America as a means of fighting the growth of communism, so when you borrow words from Beckistan, it shows your ignorance of U.S. History. Liberalism is a unique American political ideology, whereas Marxism developed in Europe in the 19th Century. I don't knock you for supporting Palin. You're entitled to do it, but I will never cast a vote for Palin because she's unqualified to be POTUS. Look at her latest national poll numbers. She and George W. Bush are tied with a 29% favorability rating. As long as there are intelligent people who can see behind the Facebook/Twitter/Fuchs Noose facade that Palin hides behind, she has a snowball's chance in hell of ever residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  11. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I've read from time to time that Todd has a girlfriend. Is this true?

    I can't imagine, even for money, having to take a backseat to the freak show. Wouldn't any normal woman want a normal relationship?

  12. www.sarahpalincitizenarrest.com8:06 PM

    sarah palin is and always will be "woefully undprepared" to ever be the commander and chief of our great country.

    she quit as govern of alaska because she couldn't handle the press. what would she do if the president of iran called, and i am talking the real one, not like how sarah was "puked" off france's president Sarkozy during the 2008 elections.

    sarah is the great divider,true leaders know how to bring people together not drive them apart!

    That said, i am surprised sarah did that well in the new hampshire polls.


  13. Anonymous8:18 PM

    anon@5:48, exactly! At such an early stage the polls are all about name recognition, and Palin has more of that than anyone. What impresses me, in several senses of the word, is that she's so far down *even among GOP voters*.
    The only downside here is that, like anon@4:01, my hopes have long been pinned on the GOP to finally lower the boom re: various gates, starting with babygate. If she implodes on her own, who will ever reveal the truth?

  14. Simply put, indeed!

  15. $arah wants to purify America. Simple as that. What the Palinbots don't realize is that the more she opens her mouth, the more toxic she becomes to the voting public.
    $he is the Amercian Pol Pot, and her bots her the Khmer Rouge.

  16. I am reading the book Republican Gomorrah by Max Blumenthal, and just finished the chapter on Palin.

    HOLY BATSHIT! I have read almost everything I can find on Palin. Blumenthal did an excellent job of digging into Palin's theological beliefs and how they are tied to her political "philosophy". I knew quite a bit about Palin's denomination, and more than the average person about Palin's religious beliefs. But I had no clue how entrenched she was in Third Wave theology, which should scare the shit out of any American who believes in the separation of church and state.

    Read the book. I have only read the chapter on Palin so far, but I am very pleased with the book.

    Onto another topic more related to this thread.

    Sarah's make-up artist (you know she has one that travels everywhere with her) really needs to figure out what color of foundation to use on Palin. This isn't the first time that her face has looked 4 shades darker than her neck.

  17. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Palin loves the celebrity life. She is addicted to the attention and adulation of her fans. I can't see her running for office because it's hard work. Closer to 2012, she'll announce she won't run because of "family obligations" and/or "she can do more for this country as a patriotic private citizen".

  18. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Honestly, I can see a situation where Palin could be quite happy as POTUS.

    Remember 2nd term Reagan? He had early stage dementia. That means he would have had difficulty reading and following complicated conversations. Nancy Reagan and his chief of staff (Don Regan?) ran the Administration.

    I can see a similar situation, where a strong chief of staff runs things while the Grifter Granny eats crunch wrap supremes, watches Oprah, and shows up for the occasional photo op. Kind of like the film Dave.


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