Saturday, July 24, 2010

Okay I take it back. THIS is my favorite YouTube video of all time. Well so far anyhow.

God I laughed so hard I almost teared up.


  1. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Hilarious! $arah, the whole world may be a stage, but the global audience has you figured out. And remember, all publicity is not necessarily GOOD publicity.
    Tweet tweet.

  2. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Hilarious. Palin's a world-wide joke.

  3. Yep I like that one too. First I was disappointed for not being in English then I thought it is much funnier because it isn't.

  4. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Was this an actual news clip from Japan? Hong Kong? China?

    Or was it put together by an individual who is watching American politics from an Asian country, who is trying to explain his horror/fascination with the Palin drama to his concerned loved ones?

  5. abo gato4:34 AM

    My favorite parts were when the word verification for refudiate started to spark up and the very best is the pole dancing for SarahPac.....masterfully done!

  6. johnie2xs5:30 AM

    Absolutely precious. It all goes to point up they fact of how large a faction of absolutely stupid people inhabit this country.

    Remember, "They walk among us".

  7. That was great. My favorite part was the line at the bottom of the screen that said: Hell prepares welcome mat for Cheney.

  8. Anonymous6:36 AM

    It is from a Taiwanese show.
    They also made clips about Justin Bieber and iPhone4 previously.

  9. Love it!

    They even spoofed Bristol's Harper's Bazaar interview (otherwise, overlooked) tale of wowing her college speech class with a Power Point presentation on 'How to Swaddle a Baby'.

    Celia - Thanks for pointing out the news banner which I'd completely missed.

  10. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Tuck a buck for SarahPac at the pole. Too funny.
    @3:57: I think that there were subtitles at the bottom of the page of what was being said, but I could be wrong.

  11. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Hilarious video and some the the dumb comments here are almost as good.

  12. "TeaBAGGERS.....made me laff


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.