Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Judge blocks implementation of Arizona's controversial new immigration law. Another win for the Obama administration.


A federal judge dealt a serious blow to Arizona's immigration law on Wednesday when she put most of the crackdown on hold just hours before it was to take effect.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton sets up a lengthy legal battle as Arizona fights to enact the nation's toughest-in-the-nation law. Republican Gov. Jan Brewer said the state will likely appeal the ruling and seek to get the judge's order overturned.

But for now, opponents of the law have prevailed: The provisions that angered opponents will not take effect, including sections that required officers to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws.

The judge also delayed parts of the law that required immigrants to carry their papers at all times, and made it illegal for undocumented workers to solicit employment in public places. In addition, the judge blocked officers from making warrantless arrests of suspected illegal immigrants.

"Requiring Arizona law enforcement officials and agencies to determine the immigration status of every person who is arrested burdens lawfully-present aliens because their liberty will be restricted while their status is checked," U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, a Clinton appointee, said in her decision.

Well being from Alaska I have not had much concern about any non-Americans sneaking over our border. For all I know every other person I see could be a Canadian, or Russian, and I would have no idea until they started to speak.

Of course both Russians and Canucks blend in very well so it is not easy to spot them (though we all know that Sarah Palin kept her unblinking eyes on the border during her 2 1/2 year tenure as governor), and it seems to me that people really only get their panties in a wad when the "illegals" have skin of a darker hue.

Having said that it will be very entertaining to watch how Sarah Palin, John McCain, and the other Republicans lose their minds over this ruling.  And Fox News may have to put bibs on their Republican guests today to keep the foam dripping from their mouths from ruining their expensive suits. I predict plenty of teeth gnashing and hints of reverse racism to become the theme of the day on shows like Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Glenn "Pillsbury Doughboy" Beck.


  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Well said, Gryphon. Very well said. I agree 100% about the racism evident in the outrage over illegal aliens.

    My husband is a strong racist towards illegals... the irony is, he's half Dominican by way of illegal immigration, even though he was born in the states.

    And I canNOT seem to convince him otherwise! It's like he hops on every new hate train that comes along.

    So pathetic.

  2. Linda Arizona12:08 PM

    Well, I can feel the collective sigh of relief from the middle of Tucson today.

    Pima County Sheriff, Clarence Dupnik, Tucson Unified School District, Tucson City Council and many others in authority have stated unequivocally that they would not comply with SB 1070 had it been allowed.

    Thank you, Gryphen, for posting this news. It's important for everyone who loves democracy to know this kind of bill is going to be moving through the country.

    If you want to know about whose behind this new wave against the "other," here are three links:

    I wonder if there is any link to Phalin...

  3. anon. @ first post:

    My heart goes out to you. I think keeping a marriage together is important, and divorce should not be taken lightly.

    That said, there is NO WAY I could be married to a racist.

    (((Hugs)) and wishes that you can influence him for the better. I've turned my Republican husband into a Democrat - not with nagging, just with facts/reason.

  4. angela12:24 PM

    Finally . . . . Someone has put a muzzle on the crazy coming out of Arizona.

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Fearful, angry people have to have SOMEONE to blame.

    Trotting over to haraSmaeT to watch the ladies meltdown. Gracious, Ethel! Our lettuce was picked by ILLEGAL immigrates! Oh noes!!!

  6. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I'm very happy to see this happen.

    This fascist piece of shit legislation needs to be struck down altogether. I wonder how many white immigrants would have been demanded to produce their "papers" if this was allowed to happen? My guess is that it would only apply to the dark-skinned immigrants.

    It makes me so mad!!

  7. mocha1:38 PM

    "The judge also delayed parts of the law that required immigrants to carry their papers at all times, and made it illegal for undocumented workers to solicit employment in public places."

    I'm not certain she delayed the part that makes illegal for them to solicit work as daylaborers by waiting outside places like HomeDepot.

  8. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Que the Patriotic Real American outrage at Activist Judges!

    And also Sarah's disappointed tweet in 140 words or less (or extras) on her statesmanlike position on the matter.

  9. mocha1:54 PM

    From her decision, the judge did not enjoin the parts of the statute related to day laborers:

    Portion of Section 5 of S.B. 1070 A.R.S. § 13-2928(A)-(B): creating a crime for stopping a motor vehicle to pick up day laborers and for day laborers to get in a motor vehicle if it impedes the normal movement of traffic
    Section 7 of S.B. 1070 A.R.S. § 23-212: amending the crime of knowing employment of unauthorized aliens Section 8 of S.B. 1070 A.R.S. § 23-212.01: amending the crime of intentional employment of unauthorized aliens

  10. This is fantastic!

    I live in Oregon, but the rest of my family lives in Reno. I get so exasperated talking with them about their assumptions that all Hispanics must be illegal. They know that this is illogical. They are fans of Bill Richardson. But trying to get them to understand that just because someone is talking to their husband in Spanish in the grocery store doesn't mean the family or any family member is an illegal immigrant.

    Great news that the courts are blocking this law until this gets sorted in the higher courts!

  11. Anonymous2:10 PM

    While I'm pleased that we pay attention Arizona's immigration laws. . .it is ironic that we lack any empathy or focus when we address the plights of Alaska's Indigenous people.

    How did we win out by extinguishing our 'aboriginal rights' and making us EQUAL to all other Alaskans (whether they own properties and live 179 days a year in Montana or what not) on hunting and fishing rights?

    As with the spittle-flying opponents of illegals in Arizona, how do you argue with folks who wear buttons like: "Why are your rights more important than mine?"

    Seriously, I object to Brewer's law and our idiot former quarter-term Governor's role in supporting it, but I wish more attention was paid to the offending Alaska Constitution that simply turns aboriginals into a special interest group that in no way can compete with powerful sport and commercial hunting interests.

    It is NOT a level playing field!

  12. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Because you're from Alaska, you cannot understand the anger felt by the people who live in states affected by a huge influx of illegals. Personally, I don't care even the tiniest bit about skin color. My family and many of my friends came here from Mexico LEGALLY.

    My Hispanic friends and I see the illegals as a separate category and are angry at them. We're angry because the illegals come here and get welfare. They use our hospitals. Along with my friends, I pay a horrendous amount for medical insurance. However, the illegals get free medical care.

    My friends and I contribute via our taxes to pay for schools and other community needs such as fire, police, streets, etc. The illegals send their money back to their families in Mexico -- after using our schools, fire departments, streets (usually driving without insurance).

    Our state is broke. Yet, it still pays billions of dollars every year to support the illegals. Almost 30% of the people on welfare in my state are illegal.

    I don't care about skin color. I care about all people following the law equally. When my parents came to this country, they went through the immigration system and became citizens. I do not support people who thwart the laws of this great nation.

  13. Anonymous5:07 PM

    You know, there are families are over this country who are kicking their kids out because they're gay or pregnant or went to jail.

    I applaud Sarah for not hiding Bristol 2 years ago and pushing her into an advocacy role. BRistol enjoys speaking and is a content young lady as of late. She'd be happier if she'd let herself dump Levi to the curb once and for all - because that boy is hopeless and has NO interest in being a father.

    Word to Levi - 2 years ago, why didn't you get a retail, auto, or random high school job like a respectable person does, while obtaining your GED? Do you really want your son to view you as a dropout AND deadbeat. Looks like the palins labeled him correctly. as well as his hack sister.

    Word to Bristol - go back to Ben, your family seems to like him and he likes your son. AND he has a good job

  14. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I'm so sorry to hear this. My husband -brown skin, heavy Spanish accent, US citizen from birth (in Puerto Rico) - promised to take me to AZ once this was enacted. He was hoping to get pulled over and arrested, so he could sue the state and get a big settlement. ;-)

    Thank goodness someone in AZ has some sense!

  15. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Anonymous 2:46, the law was poorly written, unenforceable, and unconstitutional. You should be happy that we have safeguards in place in our great nation to keep laws like that from being enacted.

    No one is saying that there is not a problem with illegal immigration, but racist laws are not the answer.

  16. CorningNY5:26 PM

    According to a training video on the new law shown to law enforcement officials in Arizona, they are not to stop people because of the way they look. Rather, they are to look for other signs that the person is an illegal immigrant, such as the fact that he/she can't speak English well and may be riding in a crowded vehicle.
    Ummmmm...that would be a perfect description of $arah Palin on an outing with her family. Just saying.

  17. Anonymous8:08 PM

    anon @ first post: i was in your shoes once. with my ex, his proof was "biblical." it was a horrible feeling, loving someone whom you respected less and less with each day's passing. until the love was nearly pity. we are divorced now and tho i still care about him and his health, i am so relieved not to have to listen to him on a daily basis. {{{hugs}}}}

  18. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Linda Arizona,

    Yay Tucson! I miss you!

  19. Anonymous8:19 PM

    i understand where you are coming from. i guess i don't feel so angry toward people who are still living way below the poverty line when i am so blessed to have what i have. it helps to put it in perspective for me.

    Maybe this will make you feel better: Illegals often obtain employment using a false SSN. They have SS and federal taxes withheld. Yet, because they do not file tax returns, they never receive refunds for their taxes, which the would get due to earned income credit. So, yes, many are paying taxes. And the states get federal funds.

    Did you ever consider that the state shortfall occurs because there are a great many legal people on welfare? The middle class is shrinking thanks to Republican policies and the lower classes are growing.

    It's ugly out there and you are blaming the straw man.

  20. Anonymous8:22 PM

    anon @ 5:07,

    how do you know Sarah wouldn't kick Bristol out if the family wasn't in the public eye and Sarah needed to pretend to be a "happy family?" you are getting drunk on the myth.

    and btw, the rumor is Sarah DID kick Bristol out... back when she was pregnant before.

  21. Anonymous8:24 PM

    CorningNY, LOL!

  22. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I cannot believe you wrote such a racist article. As a blonde, blue eyed hispanic, I would like to note that there is no such thing as a hispanic "look". I know that maybe you were absent or world history was not taught at your school, but the same people who immigrated to the US were the same type of people who emigrated to South and Central America.

    I will give you that most of the illegal immigrants to the US tend to be more indigenous looking since South and Central America are a bit elitist and usually the best jobs go more European looking people. Case in point, if you turn on a Spanish soap opera you will note that the more European looking people get the main roles and the more indigenous looking people are relegated to positions of servitude. I think that is wrong but South and Central Americans are more racists than people in the US.

    In any event, hispanic is not a race but an ethnic group and I only brought up being racist because you did.

    Furthermore, as a legal hispanic immigrant, I think that I should mention my thoughts in the matter. I concur with the law in Arizona and I think that illegal is illegal any way you look at it. Millions of people have immigrated to the United States and they have done it in a legal manner. Part of me feels sorry for some of these people, but on the other hand people that want to live in the US should follow its laws and should be vetted and should want to learn English and assimilate. I was fingerprinted, had to fill out paperwork that stated my whole life history.

    Furthermore, if you would ask other legal immigrants they would agree with the Arizona law.


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