Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Is Palin endorsement the kiss of death for New Hampshire Republican Kelly Ayotte?

From Public Policy Polling:

Kelly Ayotte's seen her appeal to moderate voters crumble in the wake of her endorsement by Sarah Palin and her lead over Paul Hodes has shrunk to its lowest level of any public polling in 2010- she has a 45-42 advantage over him, down from 47-40 in an April PPP poll.

There's not much doubt that the shift in the race is all about Ayotte. Hodes' favorability numbers have seen little change over the last three months. Where 32% of voters saw him positively and 39% negatively in April, now 35% have a favorable opinion of him to 40% with an unfavorable one. But Ayotte's seen a dramatic decline. Her favorability spread of 34/24 in April was the best we've measured for any Republican Senate candidate so far this year but her negatives have risen 15 points since that time while her positives have increased only 2 and she now stands at 36/39.

The Palin endorsement may well be playing a role in this. 51% of voters in the state say they're less likely to back a Palin endorsed candidate to only 26% who say that support would make them more inclined to vote for someone. Among moderates that widens to 65% who say a Palin endorsement would turn them off to 14% who it would make more supportive.

Again I have to ask when when will these politicians learn that Sarah Palin's support is like tying am anchor around their political career?

And isn't it interesting that this is happening in New Hampshire?  Not like it is important in a presidential election or anything, right?


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    This is clear-cut example of another hit job by the Leftist MSM on poor lil' Sarah and those she supports! Had the MSM not published Sarah's endorsement of Ayotte in New Hampshire, Ayotte's favorable/unfavorable ratings might not be 36/39. Damn big-mouthed lamestream media.

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    My name is Sarah.

    I have a millstone for you- so that you may show your devotion to a sinking cause.

    Do you prefer around the neck or around the waist?

    Rill murricans always float- so it will be the rill dill fer shure!

  3. Anonymous3:04 PM

    God bless those North East elitists! Full disclosure. I went to camp in NH -love that state even more now!

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Sarah seems to be trying to "endorse" candidates that she believes would return the favor should she decide to run in 2012 (Dear Lord...). Sure, Sarah has very limited exposure to the "real world" she pretends to embrace, and she certainly has had hardly any exposure to much outside of Alaska prior to quitting on her state, so her ignorance here isn't surprising. It's nice to see her faced with a dose of reality. Outside of "Real America" (i.e., places with pockets of ignorants that support her), people aren't as stupid as she would hope. When you lift your gaze and see beyond the Palin hype, you can easily see there isn't much ado about her "influence" outside of the states with Texas Mentality Syndrome.

    No wonder she pretended to be offended by the use of the term "retards". It's a direct insult to her and her base.


  5. Anonymous3:18 PM


    Less than two weeks ago, things were what passed for politically normal here. Then Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee wandered onto Facebook to endorse Handel, instantly transforming the state’s watching-paint-dry-dull Republican primary into a juicy straight-outta-Wasilla spectacle.

    And suddenly Handel, the former Georgia secretary of state who’d trailed by nearly double digits in the polls, ended up winning the seven-candidate race by a startling 11 percentage points.

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Palin's endorsement certainly did not help Ayotte...lol

    Kelly Ayotte is embroiled in a scandal. AS AG, she allowed a real estate company to run a ponzi scheme and sucker 150 residents out of $80 million dollars over the nine year period she was in office.

    Complaints crossed her desk for 9 years and she did absolutely nothing to investigate. Two days before she stepped down, she deleted all of her e-mails. They were restored to be part of the court case. Even though Ayotte refused to investigate, the FBI opened their own case and hearings begin in November.

    Most people feel Ayotte was paid to look the other way. No surprise that Palin endorsed her though. Birds of a feather and all that.

  7. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Is Palin endorsement the kiss of death for New Hampshire Republican Kelly Ayotte?

    please please please...

    one can only hope so. We don't need a crooked cop in office.

  8. Anonymous4:00 PM

    $p is not picking who to endorse. Sweaty, mama boys, who could never be elected to anything, are doing all the dirty work, and paying her millions to convince fools, she is just like them. Once in office, all will be under the bus. No matter, as long as they get that darkie out of office.

  9. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Anon @3:16

    Texas isn't thrilled with Palin. She comes in behind Mitt and Huckabee in TX. People have her figured out. PPP did a poll a few months ago about the South and that is where Palin stood in TX. The only person I know in TX who likes her is Gov Goodhair Perry.

  10. angela4:21 PM

    Thank you Anon 3:18
    You just proved a point . . . .
    Georgia---prime for ignorant picking.
    My apologies to Atlanta, REM and the few other residents who have to grab a barf bag when Sarah's name is mentioned.

  11. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Palin's endorsement may count as a plus in a few select races where there is a preponderance of extreme right-wing voters, but her endorsement will either not help or be a liability in the majority of the country.

    Further, GOP primary races have all been about the candidates presenting themselves as right-wing as possible. GOP candidates for the November elections will have to move more to the center to pick up the votes needed to win. Palin's extreme right-wing views will not be welcome to many of these candidates come November.

    It's amusing to hear her apologists point out the few endorsement successes she claims to have had. The writing's on the wall. Palin will continue to be progressively insignificant in the future.

  12. majii4:47 PM

    Yesterday I followed a link ( IIRC, it was on Huffpo) to a NH newspaper in which the author bytch-slapped Palin, denigrating her for claiming to know SO much about NH based on a 2008 campaign stop of only a few minutes. The main point of the article was to tell her to mind her own d@mn business.

  13. Anonymous4:58 PM

    PPP will have another NH poll out tomorrow that will show Ayotte getting a healthy primary bounce from Palin's endorsement.

    Expect that to go unmentioned around here.

  14. majii5:01 PM

    Anon@ 3:18

    I was reading on ajc.com and on GALiberal that Handel picked up ethics violation #4 today from a guy whose last name is Simon. I know that she and Deal are trying to see which one can offend the LGBT and pro-choice voters the quickest. These should be non-issues in any political race, but they seem to not want to talk about the real issues our state faces.

    Handel issued her platform for improving public education today, and it is filled with fluff. Her solution would include public-private partnerships and using technology to help at-risk students. I retired last year after teaching 33 years in the state, and I can truthfully say that her platform contains few, if any, real solutions. GA schools already use technology to improve the performance of at-risk students, and I think the public-private partnerships is another way of saying turn the schools over to private companies that will supply the curriculum and all student materials. IMHO, this will be a way to put more money in the pockets of her business cronies.

  15. Oh crap, there you go showing that picture of sarah again.
    Every time I see it, I sing this song in my head -I can't get it out!

    from scarecrow, Wizard of Oz

    "I could while away the hours
    Conversing with the flowers,
    Consulting with the rain;
    And my head, I'd be scratchin'
    'Cause ideas would be hatchin'

  16. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Palin can be bought-- are we sure that some rich Democrats didn't pay her off to endorse their opponents?

  17. emrysa5:26 PM

    well let's just hope that it keeps going this way. I'm sure her and her bots will write it off as those "educated elitist snobs." we don't want no educated people running the country! we want dumb and proud of it belligerents!

  18. emrysa5:29 PM

    anon @ 3:18 pm sez:


    yeah that's my state, and we're a lost cause. damn near everything outside of atlanta metro is a brain wasteland.

  19. Anonymous5:47 PM

    New Englanders don't much like outsiders telling them what to do.

    Also, rural and blue collar and rural New Englanders are not the red necks of the West nor the Bumpkins of the Old South (sorry for the stereo typing)and they are not necessarily going to respond to Sarah's bigotry and hatred.

    Sarah dear you need to do your home work or you will grow up to be a red neck bumpkin.

  20. You know, I just ask.. Why is she credible to endorse anyone? She holds no position of influence. To me, she has no business endorsing a candidate in New Hampshire or anywhere. Is's apparent she's not liked or at least trusted in New Hampshire..IF she does run..God, why?..I hope this reflects on her chances as we get closer. NH is significant when it comes right down to it.

  21. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Oooh, all I can think of right now, is she's been quiiiieeeeet.

  22. Anonymous7:59 PM

    They don't put up with the right wing nut jobs in the NE. (Hello, Sarah).

    If Ayotte is like Snow or Collins from Maine, or Brown from MA, she will have a chance. If she is a right wing extremist , no endorsement will get the people of NH to vote for her.

    The good people in New Hampshire love their freedom too much to allow some polititian to interfere with a woman's right to chose or attempt to tell them who they can marry or what God to worship. The republican politicians in office in the NE are those who do not attempt to force their own views on morality on their constituents.

  23. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Palin's plan is working. Now she has a new source of income from candidates who will pay her to not endorse them and never mention their name in this lifetime.

  24. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Unfortunately, she still holds sway down here in the political cesspool of SC. Nikki haley is practically annointed even tho its not clear that she knows much more about governing than my daughters' goldfish. Pathetic. And sickening.

  25. Lipstick smudged!
    From the Daily Caller:
    But Palin’s remarks to The Daily Caller pertaining to her resignation as governor of Alaska and the role the media played in it merit closer attention. The former vice-presidential candidate cites the media as “a key reason she decided not to finish out her term as governor.”

    For someone who relishes the fight in the public arena, this is a rather startling admission. One that seems wildly out of sync with a political exterior that has her somewhere between a pitbull with lipstick and a Mama Grizzly.

    By her own admission, Palin let the press play a key role in her decision to pull the plug on her governorship, sparking new questions over her toughness and ability to handle the pressures that come along with elective office. But more importantly she may have raised alarming concerns over a future presidential run.

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2010/07/27/palins-media-problem/#ixzz0uxGwhuSJ

  26. Greg Sargent agrees via The Plum Line:
    The pattern is becoming overwhelmingly obvious. Palin's current role of celebrity quasi-candidate works for her. It's allowed her to insulate herself from direct media cross-examination and to communicate directly to the Palin Nation hordes, who remain as transfixed as ever. But the rest of the world continues to find her more and more distasteful, and it's growing less likely that she'll succeed if she ever steps outside the bubble she's crafted for herself.

  27. honestyinGov1:40 AM

    Her name is doing much for her New BFF down here in CA either.( As per the Daily Kos )
    "CA-Sen: Boxer pulls into clear lead over Fiorina."
    Barbara Boxer (D) 49
    Carly Fiorina (R) 40
    Undecided 11

    "This may well prove to be another in an ever-expanding series of races where voters are not sold on the Democratic incumbent, but grudgingly stick with them because the Republican nominee fails to be seen as a legitimate alternative. While Senator Boxer's job approval numbers are middling at best (44-46), they are light years ahead of GOP nominee Carly Fiorina. The Republican millionaire businesswoman heads into the heat of the general election campaign with voters already holding a generally unfavorable opinion of the candidate: Fiorina has just 28 percent favorability, with 40 percent already holding an unfavorable view of her."

  28. In New Hampshire words ARE important $arah and they have no regard for you, they:

    re·pu·di·ate   [ri-pyoo-dee-eyt]
    –verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing.
    to reject as having no authority or binding force: to repudiate a claim.
    to cast off or disown: to repudiate a son.
    to reject with disapproval or condemnation: to repudiate a new doctrine.
    to reject with denial: to repudiate a charge as untrue.
    to refuse to acknowledge and pay (a debt), as a state, municipality, etc.
    Use repudiate in a Sentence
    1535–45; < L repudiātus (ptp. of repudiāre to reject, refuse), equiv. to repudi ( um ) a casting off, divorce ( re- re- + pud ( ere ) to make ashamed, feel shame ( see pudendum) + -ium -ium) + -ātus -ate1

    1. disavow, renounce, discard, disclaim. 3. condemn, disapprove.


  29. Applause, applause!

  30. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Being a NH resident and long time voter let me give you some insight. Ayotte is being strongly pushed and supported by the Sununu political machine. Papa Sununu was Papa Bush Chief of Staff who had to to resign - or was forced out - due to spending the people's money on personal travels and vacations that benefitted his family and chronies. His son ran and won the senate seat 8 years ago and then lost the seat to Jeanne Sheehene this past election cycle. Papa Sununu was upset at that loss and how the good state of NH is changing into one of those commie blue states so he is now in charge of the republican committee to get NH back to being a red state. Enter Ayotte, young, good looking woman who has enough smarts and becomes the ag, never held an elected office before. Personally I have nothing against Ayotte but the senate position is way over her head. Sununu's machine has put out political ads as if she has already won the primary and is running against Hodes. There are 5 -6 other candidates that she needs to beat in the primary, one being Bill Bennie who has a very good chance to beat Ayotte. He is a moderate republican and has lots of personal monies to help finance his campaign. I hope he wins because not only would he beat Palin's endorsement but also the Sununu political machine that is rotton to its very core. Papa Sununu is an old angery white guy that should have retired from politics many years ago but he has an ego to stroke and needs to prove his worth so he probably worked to get Palin to endorse his choosen one. Palin is an idiot and voters of NH have recognized that from the very beginning. Papa Sununu is showing his own stupidity by inviting her along.

  31. Due to the dwindling offers to speak at fundraisers and Repugs hauling ass in the opposite direction at the mere sight of poor old Sarah, she is reduced to selling suggestive keychains for the good old boys of the pocket pool club .........

    Introducing 'Sarah Palin in Your Pocket'

    Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin had debuted in the form of a voice-enabled keychain, called, sensibly enough,

    Sarah Palin in Your Pocket.

    Video and story here... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/20100727/pl_ynews/ynews_pl3257_1

    Great cartoon of it here

    you should put both on your blog.

  32. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Great post Gryphen. I can only hope Ayotte's poll number continue to fall.

    Also want to comment on the photo as it shows a VERY, VERY FLAT-CHESTED PAYLIN, just another verifiable opportunity to say she had a 'boob job' done when she had all the other work done on her face [even though the doctors could not correct her 'two-faced' face]!

  33. Sarah Palin certainly seems to have a very full schedule this summer and fall. Coming up (maybe) THE WEDDING, elections, a tv show with Kate Gosselin and a visit with Margaret Thatcher along with her Fox News committment and her newfound role as language inventor.

    That's just stuff we know about. How does she find the time? Who takes care of the kids? What does Todd do? Does she have household help? And that Joe McGinness thing, how's that going?

    Can anyone answer these questions?

  34. Sarah Palin certainly seems to have a very full schedule this summer and fall. Coming up (maybe) THE WEDDING, elections, a tv show with Kate Gosselin and a visit with Margaret Thatcher along with her Fox News committment. That's just stuff we know about. How does she find the time? Who takes care of the kids? What does Todd do? Does she have household help? And that Joe McGinness thing, how's that going.

  35. If you look at the full poll results at http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/PPP_Release_NH_7273.pdf, you'll find this paragraph:

    PPP surveyed 900 New Hampshire voters from July 23-25, 2010. The survey’s margin of error
    is +/-3.26%. Other factors, such as refusal to be interviewed and weighting, may introduce
    additional error that is more difficult to quantify.

    Ayotte's "decline" from 47-45 is within the margin of error of this poll.

    You know me. You know that I have no desire to see Sarah Palin as President of the United States. But this poll doesn't tell us what the effect of her endorsement is.

    What's true about this poll is equally true about President Obama's variations in approval ratings. Conservatives who point to a 1 or 2 point drop as a decrease in support for the President are making the same error I think you are making here.

    But keep monitoring this race and others and let us know when the polling changes break the margin of error.


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